P.O, Box 501
6441 W M-72
Grayling, MI 49738

About St. Francis' Episcopal Church
Expressing God's love through word and deed.
Saint Francis’ Episcopal Church Grayling, a parish of the Diocese of Eastern Michigan and The Episcopal Church of the United States of America, is a small, friendly community located in rural Northern Michigan that welcomes all persons.
Episcopalians have been worshipping in Grayling as a community since 1951, when services were held in homes. In 1956 St. Francis’ Episcopal Church was formally organized as a mission of the Diocese of Michigan. Church construction on the present site began in the late 1950’s, with the addition of a parish hall by 1980.
Since these early days our campus has expanded to include two other buildings.
The St. Francis’ Thrift Shop at the rear of our campus provides good quality clothing and household equipment at very reduced prices for anyone in the community and uses its proceeds to support the church and especially its outreach efforts.
The Human Resource Building houses The G.R.A.C.E. Center, a non-profit counseling agency. It began as a substance abuse counseling center within the church building, and now has moved to a separate building in order to increase its ability to provide substance abuse, family and general counseling services to the community, using a sliding scale based on income and need.
Since we believe that God has given us our facilities to use in His name (and not just one day a week), we have opened our doors to community support groups, such as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), and community service organizations, such as the Lion’s Club. Throughout the week, our parking lot is almost always full.
Through worship, fellowship, outreach and pastoral care, we try to live into our motto: