P.O, Box 501
6441 W M-72
Grayling, MI 49738

Church news and updates
Winter 2023
All updates can now be found at the Faith Notes blog.
Summer 2023
During the summer of 2023, the St. Francis' Church received a bright new look with fresh paint.
March 2023
From Judy Woodland: The Vestry met a couple of weeks ago and appointed its officers for the year. Your Sr. Warden is Charles Todoroff; Jr. Warden is Pat Kucharek; Recording Secretary is Terry Bloomquist; and Parish Clerk is Doug Wilson. Doug is not a member of the vestry, but that is not a requirement to serve as clerk. Other members are Susanne Mueller, Rob Hanson, and Barb Wotring. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free speak to one of them and they will be happy to address anything you bring before them. To read the rest of Judy's message, visit this posting in Faith Notes.
June 2022
Bishop Provisional Prince Singh’s visit on
Sunday, June 12, left the congregation feeling
inspired and reaffirmed in their faith. For
more on the visit, read this blog posting in
Faith Notes.
September, 2021
In September, St. Francis received
a beautiful new sign, making the
church even more inviting.